Mat Mania - The Prowrestling Network 1985 Technos
Mat Mania - The Prowrestling Network (c) 1985 Technos.
A match of wits and skill with classic ring techniques used in today's popular professional wrestling arenas. The ringside announcer to signal the start of the match introduces the events. The player battles each of his 5 awesome opponents in quest of the championship. Timely use of joystick and buttons maneuvers the player into position and activates all the standard as well as spectacular moves including : Pile Driver, Sunset Flip, Rolling Sole Butt, Lariat, Plunger, Flying Body Press, everything to weaken the enemy for a pin-fall win for the count of 3, or keeping the challenger out of the ring for a twenty count. After each win, the player takes on the next opponent for another three-minute period. If he defeats all of the opponents, he earns the right to the Championship Belt and goes on to the next four in defense of his title. Colorful, fast-paced action plus realistic sound effects of hits, moves, count-down and crowd cheers adds to the atmosphere and excitement associated with the current rage of professional wrestling. Enjoy a moneymaking ringside seat with this sure winner, the Mat Mania King Kit conversion.
Game ID : TA-0015
Main CPU : M6502 (@ 1.5 Mhz)
Sound CPU : M6502 (@ 1.2 Mhz)
Sound Chips : (2x) AY8910 (@ 1.5 Mhz), DAC
Screen orientation : Vertical
Video resolution : 240 x 256 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 80
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 2
=> [1] Punch, [2] Kick
Licensed to Taito.
This game is known in Japan as 'Exciting Hour - The Prowrestling Network'.
The 2 players version of this game is known as 'Mania Challenge'.
In the game, if you look closely at the audience in the background, you will see a variety of recognizable characters including a boy in a Union Jack t-shirt, Darth Vader, Superman, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (look to the far left when outside the ring) and ZZ Top is very prominently present in the middle of the crowd..
The champion in this game is very obviously a copy of Hulk Hogan. First of all, he bears a striking resemblence to Hogan. Second, his name is 'Golden Hulk'; Hulk Hogan debuted wrestling as 'Sterling Golden'. Finally, Golden Hulk's most powerful move is the leg drop, which is Hogan's finisher.
Other wrestlers are copied from superstars of the early 80s : The Insane Warrior is a copy of Road Warrior Animal, Coco Savage is probably Kamala The Cannibal and The Piranha is probably Mil Mascaras. The main wrestler (you) bears a striking resemblence to Kerry Von Erich. These are guesses, but all the mentioned wrestlers were very popular about the time this game was released.
Rac Carpana holds the official record for this game with 5,000,150 points.
In the game, The Piranha's name is misspelled as 'The Pirania'.
In clone 'Exciting Hour' :
- Insane Warrior's name is misspelled as 'Insane Worrier'.
- Golden Hulk is known as 'Blues Bloody'.
* Here is a complete Mat Mania moves list :
First, basic moves :
Joystick - Move Around
Button 1 - Punch (P)
Button 2 - Kick (K)
Both Buttons - Run
While Opponent is Standing :
P+K - Dash at opponent.
P (while running) - Shoulder Block
K (while running) - Flying Press
To grab the opponent, run towards him.
While holding on to opponent :
P - Irish Whip (Throw opponent)
K - Pile Driver
P+UP - Body Slam
K+UP - Suplex
After Opponent has been thrown :
P+Opponent's direction - Elbow Smash
P - Back Body Drop
K+Opponent's direction - Clothesline
K - Reverse Mule Kick
While Opponent is on the ground :
P - Pick up opponent
K - Pin Opponent
While on the Turnbuckle :
P - Knee Drop
K - Sunset Flip
You can do 3 moves (2 in later matches [late 30s on]) to your opponent before needing to ram him with the old 'faceblock' maneuver. However, the moves appear to be broken into categories :
Big moves - Piledriver and Brainbuster (Suplex)
Medium moves - Clothesline, Elbow, Backdrop
Small moves - Body Slam, Spinning Kick
Doesn't seem to count - Shoulder Block, Flying Body Press, Rope Moves
The 'count' works as follows. Usually you get one of each class of move in order from big to small. You can always substitute a lower move for a higher one. At certain times you will get only medium and small, especially the first series when facing Karate Fighter or Piranha after match 5. Sometimes you won't be able to do three. You can tell because your opponent puts up a small, ineffective resistance to your second move.
Once per match, you CAN do two big moves in a row. You are guaranteed to be able to do a third move afterward. In the first 5 matches, the triple is generally between 2:30 and 2:15.
* Miscellaneous notes :
1) You can only climb on the turnbuckles in the top-left and top-right corners.
2) Running towards the ropes and pressing the K button will cause you to jump out of the ring (should only be done while an opponent is out there).
3) The maximum number of jumps off the rope you can do is three - any more and the opponent will get up regardless of the amount of damage inflicted.
4) Fight as little as possible outside the ring; you run the chance of being thrown to the other end and facing a ring out loss (especially with Coco Savage and the Piranha - they are dirty fighters!).
5) When an opponent throws you, you have the choice of pressing P to do a shoulder block or K to do a flying press. The move you select should depend on the opponent's reaction - if they throw you and run, press K repeatedly to beat them with the flying press. If the opponent is standing there, it is almost a sure sign that you will be receiving one of their 'stopping moves' (i.e.: Coco's Haymaker or Piranha's choke hold). For this, press K repeatedly. If the opponent has not prepared their signature stop, this usually means they are just going to punch or kick you. Pressing P will give them a shoulder block and knock them down. Try to decide on which move you plan on doing once you see their reaction.
6) If you start to get the 'upper hand' on your opponent (which isn't that hard to do), throw him into the ropes and when he bounces back, let him collide into you (you should be the first one to get up), pick him up and do a pile driver, pick him up, throw him into the ropes and let him collide into you, pick him up and pile drive him again. You can do this for as long as you like but make sure to pin him before the time runs out. For a sure pin, just climb the top rope and land on him three times then pin.
7) A change in the music in the game indicates you are in danger of losing the match!
* List of opponents :
1) Insane Warrior
Signature Move : Body Press
Difficulty : Very Easy
Comments : Comic relief for the game. A very easy opponent to beat up and a good learning partner.
2) Karate Fighter
Signature Move : Rabbit Punch
Difficulty : Easy
Comments : Another opponent to use as a practice partner.
3) Coco Savage
Signature Move : Slingshot (grabs you by the ankles and throws you across / out of the ring).
Difficulty : Very Difficult
Comments : A dirty fighter. Will knock you down by giving you a shoulder block or knocking you on the head. Will cheat by getting you near the ropes and giving you plenty of shoulder blocks!
4) The Pirana
Signature Move : Elbow Drop
Difficulty : Moderate
Comments : The dirtiest fighter in the game. A very difficult opponent to fight with outside the ring.
5) Golden Hulk
Signature Move : Leg Drop
Difficulty : Moderate
Comments : The champ. Likes to body slam and throw opponents out of the ring.
1. The Big Pro Wrestling! (1983)
2. Mat Mania - The Prowrestling Network (1985)
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.