Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - New Age of Heroes 2000 Capcom
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - New Age of Heroes (c) 2000 Capcom.
The best of the best are back! Fight with 28 characters and unlock 28 extra fighters on 3 on 3 tag battles. Learn to master the new 'Delayed hyper combo system' to combine your 3 characters hyper moves and defeat the mighty Abyss.
Sega New Arcade Operation Machine Idea (NAOMI) hardware
CPU : Hitachi SH-4 32-bit RISC CPU (200 MHz 360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS)
Graphic Engine : PowerVR 2 (PVR2DC)
Sound Engine : ARM7 Yamaha AICA 45 MHZ
* Here are the debut comics for the 28 Marvel characters (for those with alter-egos, they are also listed) :
Abyss (aka Nils Styger) - X-Men Alpha :
Blackheart - Daredevil #270
Cable (aka Nathan Summers) - New Mutants #87
Captain America (aka Steve Rogers) - Captain America Comics #1
Colossus (aka Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin) - Giant-Size X-Men #1
Cyclops (aka Scott Summers) - X-Men #1
Doctor Doom (aka Victor von Doom) - Fantastic Four #5
Gambit (aka Jean-Luc 'Remy' LeBeau) - Uncanny X-Men #266
Hulk (aka Robert Bruce Banner) - Incredible Hulk #1
Iceman (aka Robert 'Bobby' Drake) - Uncanny X-Men #1
Iron Man (aka Anthony 'Tony' Stark) - Tales of Suspense #39
Juggernaut (aka Cain Marko) - X-Men #12
Magneto (aka Erik 'Magnus' Lehnsherr) - X-Men #1
Marrow (aka Sarah) - Uncanny X-Men #325
Omega Red (aka Arkady Rossovich) - X-Men #4
Psylocke (aka Elizabeth 'Betsy' Braddock) - New Mutants Annual #2
Rogue - Avengers Annual #10
Sabretooth (aka Victor Creed) - Iron Fist #14
Sentinel - Uncanny X-Men #14
Shuma-Gorath - Marvel Premiere #6
Silver Samurai (aka Kenichiro Harada) - Daredevil #111
Spider-Man (aka Peter Parker) - Amazing Fantasy #15
Spiral (aka Rita Ricochet) - Longshot #1
Storm (aka Ororo Munroe) - Giant Size X-Men #1
Thanos - Iron Man #55
Venom (aka Edward 'Eddie' Brock) - Amazing Spider-Man #300
War Machine (aka James R. 'Rhodey' Rhodes) - Iron Man #281
Wolverine (aka James 'Logan' Howlett) - Incredible Hulk #180
* Here are the debut games for the 28 Capcom characters :
Akuma (Gouki in Japan) - 'Super Street Fighter II Turbo' ('Super Street Fighter II X' in Japan)
Amingo - (New Character)
Anakaris - 'Darkstalkers - The Night Warriors' ('Vampire - The Night Warriors' in Japan)
Baby Bonnie Hood (Bulleta in Japan) - 'Vampire Savior - The Lord Of Vampire'
Cammy - 'Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers'
Captain Commando - 'Captain Commando'
Charlie (Nash in Japan) - 'Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams' ('Street Fighter Zero' in Japan)
Chun-Li - 'Street Fighter II - The World Warrior'
Dan Hibiki - 'Street Fighter Alpha' ('Street Fighter Zero' in Japan)
Dhalsim - 'Street Fighter II - The World Warrior'
Felicia - 'Darkstalkers - The Night Warriors' ('Vampire - The Night Warriors' in Japan)
Guile - 'Street Fighter II - The World Warrior'
Hayato Kanzaki - 'Star Gladiator - Episode : I Final Crusade'
Jill Valentine - 'Resident Evil'
Jin Saotome - 'Cyberbots - Fullmetal Madness'
Ken Masters - 'Street Fighter'
M. Bison (Vega in Japan) - 'Street Fighter II - The World Warrior'
Megaman (Rockman in Japan) - Megaman (Rockman in Japan)
Morrigan Aensland - 'Darkstalkers - The Night Warriors' ('Vampire - The Night Warriors' in Japan)
Roll - Megaman (Rockman in Japan)
Ruby Heart - (New Character)
Ryu - 'Street Fighter'
Sakura Kasugano - 'Street Fighter Alpha 2' ('Street Fighter Zero 2' in Japan)
Servbot (Kobun in Japan) - Megaman Legends (Rockman Dash in Japan)
Sonson - 'Son Son'
Strider Hiryu - 'Strider' ('Strider Hiryu' in Japan)
Tron Bonne - Megaman Legends (Rockman Dash in Japan)
Zangief - 'Street Fighter II - The World Warrior'
The Japanese version allows you to gain access to hidden characters (such as Jill Valentine from the Biohazard/Resident Evil series) by exchanging data with the Sega Dreamcast's VMU unit. This feature is going to be removed in the US version.
* Alternate Player Colors : If you want to alternate player colors, be sure it's sorrounded by a yellow border, then select it with Assist1 or Assist2, this way you will get your player with diferent clothes' colors.
* Attack Opponent After Winning a Match : After you win a match and your character does his/her victory pose, press Start. You'll be able to attack your fallen opponent while he/she is down.
* Alternate Win Pose For Sakura : Finish off you opponent's last character with any of Sakura's supers. After the big flash, but before the game says 'K.O.' hold down light and fierce kicks. If done correctly, her friend will run out and start dancing with Sakura.
* Unlock Characters Faster :
JUMP TO LEVEL 24 (unlock 16 characters) Enter Game Test Mode. Move cursor to Demo Sound. Press in order: Assist 2, Assist 1, Roundhouse, Fierce, Short, Jab. Exit Game Test Mode.
JUMP TO LEVEL 48 (unlock 8 characters) Enter Game Test Mode. Move cursor to Damage Level. Press in order: Roundhouse, Assist 2, Assist 1, Roundhouse, Fierce, Roundhouse. Exit Test Mode.
JUMP TO LEVEL 72 (unlock 8 characters) Enter Game Test Mode. Move cursor to Continue. Press in order: Jab, Fierce, Jab, Assist 1, Short, Fierce. Exit Game Test Mode.
JUMP TO LEVEL 84 (unlock 4 characters) Enter Game Test Mode. Move cursor to Difficulty. Press in order: Fierce, Short, Assist 1, Jab, Assist 2, Jab. Exit Game Test Mode.
* Changing character orders :
1st and 2nd - Hold Assist 1 until the match begins
1st and 3rd - Hold Assist 2 until the match begins
2nd and 3rd - Hold Assist 1 + Assist 2 until the match begins
* Operator's Command : Input the following codes in the test mode.
1) Move cursor to Sound Mode then 'WK, SP, AL, AU, SK, WP'
2) Move cursor to Difficulty then 'SK, SP, AU, AL, WP, WK'
3) Move cursor to Damage then 'WP, SP, SK, AL, AU, WK'
WP : Weak Punch, WK : Weak Kick, SP : Strong Punch, SK : Strong Kick, AU : Assist Upper, AL : Assist Lower
Note : also called the ''Capcom vs.'' series.
1. X-Men vs. Street Fighter (1996)
2. Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (1997)
3. Marvel vs. Capcom - Clash of Super Heroes (1998)
4. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - New Age of Heroes (2000)
Producer : Yoshihiro Sudo
Voice Actor : Patrick Chilvers (Spider Man), Tony Daniels (Gambit), Cathal J. Dodd (Wolverine & Captain America), Norm Spencer (Cyclops)
Voice Actress : Catherine Disher (Psylocke, Storm & Spiral), Zann Rogue (Lenore)
* Consoles :
Sega Dreamcast (2000)
Microsoft XBOX (2002)
Sony PlayStation 2 (2002)
Game's ROM.