Biomechanical Toy 1995 Zeus
Biomechanical Toy (c) 1995 Zeus.
A colourful and playable eightway scrolling platform game set in a world of animated toys; both good and evil. The magic pendulum that animates the toys has been stolen by the evil 'Scrubby', who was once banished from the kingdom and has returned to take revenge. Evil toys must be destroyed or avoided, while good toys will offer help the the game's hero, Inguz, in his quest to regain the pendulum.
Inguz carries a basic, single-firing gun, although additional ammo clips can be found throughout the game that upgrade the gun with either extra shot power, automatic fire or exploding bullets. When the gun's current ammo clip is empty, Inguz will take a moment to reload. Bombs can also be found and used to attack all enemy toys on screen. Inguz begins each stage and life with a full health meter of eighty units, but food can be found that will boost the health meter. The player can lose a life either by running out of health, falling off the bottom of the screen, or running out of time. Clearing each stage awards bonus points based on both remaining time and health units.
Checkpoints, indicated by red flags, are located at certain points throughout the stages. In the event of losing a life, the player will restart at the last checkpoint reached. Objects with Inguz's face on them (such as wooden chests and balloons) release bonus items when shot. An abstract, oriental-looking face occasionally forms part of a level's platform which, when shot, will release balloons which can in turn be shot for bonus items. A giant flying hat also turns up and will drop bonus items when shot.
Game ID : 922804/2
Main CPU : 68000 (@ 12 Mhz)
Sound Chips : OKI6295 (@ 8 Khz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 320 x 240 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 1024
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 2
This is the first and only Coin Op produced by Zeus. In 1992 Zeus Software developed the Amiga game 'Risky Woods' (published by Dinamic, a spanish software house, very famous in the eighties on the computer market). Ricardo Puerto and Raul Lopez (see Staff section for more info) made some games (not always together) on the Amstrad CPC for Dinamic software in the eighties.
Main design : Raul Lopez, Ricardo Puerto
Program : Ricardo Puerto
Computer Graphics : Raul Lopez
Art & Animation : Raul Lopez, Maite R. Otxotorena, Juanma Ripalda, Andreito Lobero
Development system : Ricardo Puerto, Juan Mari Gorrotxategi, Asier Zubillaga
Game's rom.